Thursday 5 March 2015

Top 10 most anticipated Movies of 2015

Here is yet another top 10. This time my most anticipated filmof what is remaining of 2015 bearing in mind I have already seen Birdman, John Wick, Kingsmen, Big Hero 6 and sadly Fifty Shades of Grey.

10. Terminator Genesis – I am equally looking forward to this as I am apprehensive. We haven’t been treated to a good terminator film since T2: Judgement Day which in my opinion is the bar which has been set for the franchise. I'm not sure coaxing Arnie back is the best direction to go in but on the other hand our favourite girl from Game of Thrones Emilia Clarke is Sarah Connor so it isn't
all bad.

9. Mad Max Fury Road – I’m not going to lie. I have not seen any of the previous Mad Max films nor do I know much about the franchise, however I have seen the trailer for this and it looks awesome. IMAX may be required!

8. Mission Impossible 5 – Less is known about this film than I know about Mad Max. The cast of Ghost Protocol is back so that’s all I need. When we eventually get a trailer this may move further down my list.

7.Ant Man – let’s be honest Ant Man is nobody’s favourite superhero but Marvel have yet to fail us so I'm definitely going day one to see this. On a side note is the poster not one of the funniest posters ever.

6. Furious 7 – I love the fast and the Furious franchise and even though it will be sad to see Paul Walkers last time as Brian I have no doubt it will be awesome. The Rock vs Jason Statham fight could be an all-time classic fight.

5. In the Heart of the Sea – this may come as a surprise for some. I was sold as soon as I saw the poster. Ron Howard has directed some of my favourite films (Rush, Apollo 13, Da Vinci Code and Backdraft) so when I heard he was the director of this it immediately became a must see. It’s basically Jaws with a whale.

4. Spectre – I’m a huge James Bond fan so obviously Spectre has me really excited. While I’m not a huge fan of Casino Royal I did enjoy Skyfall (let’s not mention the one in-between) however I do prefer the classic Bond films more with Thunderball being my unprecedented favourite. Hopefully Spectre continues the trend of Skyfall where it was a darker Bond but still had the great Bond appeal.

3. Jurassic World – As soon as I saw the first trailer for this and witnessed those gates open and the score play I was giddy. I’m not sure on the whole raptor training thing at the moment but we will have to wait and see how that turns out.

2. Avengers Age of Ultron – What have I not said about this movie in previous posts. It looks darker than the first but in an Empire Strikes back kind of way. I’ve been praying for Marvel to introduce some memorable villains bar Loki and Winter Soldier and that looks like exactly what we are getting.

1. Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens – I have probably watched the 1 minute 33 second teaser to this film over one hundred times. That pretty much says it. If you needed further evidence of my excitement look at the background of my blog. Yeah its STAR WARS !

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