Tuesday 3 March 2015

Top 10 Greatest Movie Villians

A film is only as good as its villain. The gift of an iconic villain is the gift that keeps on giving, elevating even the most mediocre of films to cult status, and transforming good movies into truly great ones. This top ten was hard to create as I have to leave out many iconic villains such as Voldemort, Gollum, Jack Torrance, Roy Batty and Freddy Krueger. These picks are my personal preferences and some are simply nostalgic for me so let’s get started.

10. Judge Doom – Who framed Rodger Rabbit?

Judge Doom is on this list for the simple reason that no villain has cost me as much nights of lost sleep as him. As a child he terrified me and to honest he still does. THOSE EYES !!

9. Scar – Lion King

The most evil Disney villain deserved a place on my list. Scar kills his own brother and then blames his nephew. Need more reason to hate him? He then turns the pride lands into a wasteland. he gets his comeuppance in the end though with one of the most brutal deaths in a Disney movie.

8. Howard Payne – Speed

Probably one of the more personal choices on my list is Howard Payne. The main antagonist of Speed who is constantly on top of Keanu Reeves until he loses his head. Literally. A truly menacing villain who has everything so prepared at some points you do question if the good guys can win.

7. Smaug – The Hobbit Trilogy

Yes I chose him over Gollum. Sure Gollum is a great villain but he is nowhere near as menacing and articulate as Smaug. His sheer size is scary enough but it’s his booming voice from Benedict Cumberbatch that truly make him the greatest movie dragon ever and a great villain.

6. Xenomorphs  –  Alien franchise

In space no one can hear you scream. The xenomorphs are the deadliest aliens in cinema history. They are relentless and infect you with their young. Yeah you’re screwed.

5. Hannibal Lecter  - Hannibal franchise

The quintessential psychopath. Hannibal Lecter is brilliantly portrayed by Anthony Hopkins and is one of the most uncomfortable movie characters to watch as you never know what he is up to. That scene with the man’s brain. Yeah that’s what I mean.

4. T1000 – Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Hardly speaks a word but is equally as terrifying as Hannibal. The T1000 is relentless in his pursuit of young John Connor and it takes everything from Arnold to bring him down. After seemingly killing him two or three times he returns and is eventually melted in a furnace.

3. The shark – Jaws

If you have seen my top ten films of all time post this may not surprise you. The villain that kept people out of the sea and I believe is the main cause of my fear of open water.”3 tons of him”

2. The Joker – Dark Knight

I can appreciate how good Jack Nicholson is in the original Batman movie however the definitive Joker to me is Heath Ledger and even though the Dark Knight is not my favourite superhero film he is by far my favourite super villain on screen to date.

1. Darth Vader – Star Wars original trilogy   

It’s Darth Vader. Do I need to explain?

I would love to hear everyone else’s top 10 villains so leave your list in the comments section.

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