Monday 9 March 2015

My decision

If you have read my latest blog post you will know about the dilemma I had regarding my dvd collection and upgrading to Blu Ray. Well last night I sold my dvds to Music Magpie and they are being collected on Wednesday. This leaves me with a list of films from my dvd collection that need replaced with Blu Ray. Some of these include Saving Private Ryan, Lion king, The Rock, The Big Lebowski and one of my favourite films, The Prestige.

I would like to make it clear I am not entirly replacing my entire collection. I am only replacing the films that I really want so films I have and dont watch such as Hancock, Death Race and the Matrix sequels will not make the upgrade.

While this process to get my collection back to where it was might take a while and some investment I believe in the long run it will be beneficial as now I can experience my favourite films in the best possible quality.

I'm going to try and pick some of them up at bargain prices and using HMV'S 5 for £30 deal. I'm going to raid CEX in Glasgow for as many as I can, especially the more expensive ones like Guardians of the Galaxy and Edge of Tomorrow *Live Die Repeat * All you need is Kill. What's that film called again ?

I've already managed to pick up a few online such as Super 8 for £2.50 and Captain America Winter Soldier for £6. The main problem area is going to be with Disney films as they seem invulnerable from price depreciation. Luckily HMV and I believe Zavvi have 2 for 1 on Disney Blu Rays at the moment so I will try to get the ones I need such as Lion King, Aladdin, Up and the Incredibles.

This process has made my slight OCD a bit more clear :/

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