Tuesday 3 March 2015

Dragonball Z Battle of Gods Review

As a kid in the early 2000’s I was a huge fan of Dragonball Z. I remember many summer evenings watching episodes with my friends then spilling into the garden and pretending we were our favourite characters from the show. It wasn't just a great kid’s show but it was also a show with a lot of adult themes which went straight over my head as a child. Recently I have been watching old episodes again for nostalgia purposes and have remembered just what made this show great which is the fantastic combination of humour and epic action. I was made aware a few weeks ago that a new Dragonball movie had been made called Battle of Gods and it had been made due to the creators own personal hatred of the horrendous live action Dragonball movie from 2009 (Dragonball Evolution), so I decided to check it out.

Firstly I would say if you know nothing about Dragonball Z do not watch this without checking out the show first as you will be totally lost. The film presumes you are caught up with the show and know the situations all characters are in. If you are like me though and are a fan of Dragonball Z you will find a great deal to love in Battle of Gods. It has those classic Dragonball moments we love and some hilarious moments from the movies villain Lord Beerus. Without going into spoiler territory the final showdown between Goku and Beerus is worth purchasing the film alone.

For my final verdict I want to make it clear if you are a Dragonball Z fan this is definitely worth a purchase you should make however if you have not seen Dragonball Z before I can’t recommend it before you have watched the show. Which you should. NOW!!!


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