Wednesday 25 February 2015

Power Rangers fan film. Watch it while you can !

If you are like me and enjoyed the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers back in the day then you may want to check out the dark fan film made by Adi Shankar while you have the opportunity. SCG Power Rangers LLC, the company who own the Power Rangers licencing want it taken down immediately. I have included the video in this post in the hope it works around posting time. The video is a futuristic depiction of the old guard power rangers who are being hunted down and killed brutally. Yes word of warning this is not for the squeamish. I think we are all hoping for the 2016 Power Rangers movie to be even half as cool as this and we may get one hell of a movie. To anyone who is reading this who has always thought of Power Rangers as a bumch of campy nonsense and explosions ? You may want to rethink that. 

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey Review

Fifty Shades of Grey is the long anticipated movie adaptation of a novel which originated as Twilight fan fiction...................dear god.

If you are reading this hoping for a scathing review of the film you are in the right place. Now I am aware I am not the target audience for this film or the books it is based on but that doesn't excuse the fact that this is one of the largest atrocities I have ever seen in my life.

The main selling point of the movie is putting it simply is sex and in particular Mr Grey's odd behaviours in the bedroom. This is the films first flaw as these scenes are timid. There is no sexual chemistry between the two leads so these scenes are actually quite hilarious rather than sexy. They somehow manage to have less chemistry than Edward and Bella the very characters they are based on. The story is blatantly based on Twilight there is even a ridiculous love triangle with a character who is near enough identical to Jacob from Twilight although he doesn't transform into a werewolf which would have at least made the story interesting. 

The films only saving grace is that it is well directed. It looks very nice but it is fairly pointless when the contents are total garbage. It's like having to lovely fresh baked slices of bread filled with out of date fish. Just disgusting.


Monday 23 February 2015

My top 10 of all time as of 23/02/15

 I would like to make it clear that I put a lot of thought into this list and changed it multiple times even though the top five stayed intact. I'm going to give my brief thoughts on each to attempt to explain why they are in my top 10. Before we begin I have a few honourable mentions which were in my top 10 at some point in the planning of this post.
  • ·         Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • ·         The Dark Knight
  • ·         The Godfather
  • ·         Saving Private Ryan
  • ·         Rush
  • ·         Back to the Future

Now that’s over its time to start the list from 10-1


There are few top ten lists complete without Fight Club. It is not a film which you can explain to people without breaking the first rule. A great look on society today and it also happens to have Brad Pitt as one of the great renegades of cinema,Tyler Durden.


Contrary to popular opinion this is my favourite Lord of the Rings film. I feel like Return of the King drags slightly towards the end whereas Two Towers being the middle film can leave things open ended. It also has the battle at Helms Deep which is one of the single greatest battles in movie history.


Jurassic Park is a film which still holds up perfectly today. Its ground-breaking creature design paved the way for so many films to come afterwards. It also has one of the single greatest soundtracks in film history. I wanted it to be lower on my list but I couldn’t move any back up.

The Prestige is my favourite Christopher Nolan movie. It causes me great distress that this film is not appreciated as much as Inception which I believe is a much inferior film. Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman are Victorian magicians constantly trying to one-up each other which climaxes in one of the greatest plot twists of all time.


While I can appreciate the Dark Knight is a better technical film I just don’t consider it to be as         re-watchable and as much fun as the Avengers. When I first saw Marvels “A-team” finally unite on screen I could barely contain myself and it is to this day the best cinema experience I have ever had.

As stated in my Big Hero 6 review to which I have linked ( a film which had a huge impact on me as a child was Toy Story. To this day I still find something truly special with this film and I don’t ever see it losing that appeal to me.


Before there was 300 there was Gladiator. A film that takes you through so many emotions and ends on a sad but triumphant note. It is the pinnacle of films of this era which we don’t get enough of nowadays.


To be honest it was a toss-up between New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. The only deciding factor was the Death Star tunnel run at the end of A New Hope which is my favourite scene in the saga.


I am not a keen horror fan but Jaws is a film that is more than a shark movie. It is about the characters and the bond between Brody, Quint and Hooper. I have owned Jaws in three formats: VHS, DVD and Blu-ray and that is because it is a film that I can watch every month and I enjoy it more and more every time. It came close to being number 1 however my number 1 has been my there for years and it’s not moving.


If you know me at all you would have known this was coming. The Shawshank Redemption left me speechless the first time I watched it and continues to every time since. It is a film which is great for lifting me out of a depressed or stressed mood and fills me with hope. I simply adore this film and as I am typing this I think I’m going to go and watch it now.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Big Hero 6 Movie Review

Big Hero 6 is the latest release from Disney animation after the previous successes of Wreck it Wralph and Frozen. I can safely say have not enjoyed an animated film this much since Toy Story 3.

Big Hero 6 stars a young tech savvey kid called Hero. Without giving any plot points away, after a tragic event in Hero's life he must unite with his friends and inflatable robot buddy Baymax to stop a masked Villain. Yes the plot is fairly generic however it never feels that way due to the fantastic heart the movie has. Like so many Disney movies before it (Lion King, Tarzan, Toy Story, and Up to name a few) this film will hit every one who watches it, adults included right in their emotional core. The friendship between Baymax and Hero is one of the most loving and hysterical partnerships I have seen since Aladdin and the Genie. On the subject of comedy, this is up there with some of the funniest animated films of all time due to one main element. BAYMAX !
He is the true gem of this movie. Like toothless in How to train your dragon or Doug in UP he is not just the comic relief but a character who you just wish was real so you could give them a big hug.

The one gripe I have with Big Hero 6 is the villain. The masked villain is menacing at first however once he is revealed it does not come as a shock and their motives to not seem to justify their actions.

Big Hero 6 is Disney its huggable and fun loving best and they have introduced a character who will be a plush toy in kids bedrooms for some time. I don't think it will be long before a sequel to this Avengers and Incredibles mash-up.


Tuesday 10 February 2015

Spider man is an Avenger

Sony Pictures Entertainment and Marvel Studios announced today that Sony is bringing Marvel into the amazing world of Spider-Man. This is great news after the recently disappointing Amazing Spider-man 2. Spider-man will now be able to show up in Marvel studios films along with Sony's new Spider-man movie releasing 28th of July 2017. the most likely destination for him to appear would be in Captain America: Civil War in 2016. 

The new relationship follows a decade of speculation among fans about whether Spider-Man – who has always been an integral and important part of the larger Marvel Universe in the comic books – could become part of the Marvel Universe on the big screen. Spider-Man has more than 50 years of history in Marvel's world, and with this deal, fans will be able to experience Spider-Man taking his rightful place among other Super Heroes in the MCU.
Bob Iger, Chairman and CEO, The Walt Disney Company said: "Spider-Man is one of Marvel's great characters, beloved around the world. We're thrilled to work with Sony Pictures to bring the iconic web-slinger into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which opens up fantastic new opportunities for storytelling and franchise building." Spider-Man, embraced all over the world, is the most successful franchise in the history of Sony Pictures, with the five films having taken in more than $4 billion worldwide. 

Andrew Garfield will not be reprising the role for a third time which has led to speculation surrounding who will take on the mantle of Peter Parker. The early favourite is star of the Percy Jackson Franchise Logan Lerman. (as pictured below)

For now all we know for sure is that Spider-man will be an Avenger in 2018 in Avengers: Infinity War.