Friday 6 March 2015

Should I upgrade my DVDs to Blu-Ray ?

I own approximately somewhere around 500-600 films on DVDs. A collection I have built up since 2004. I also own around 30 Blu-Rays. My Blurays tend to be my favourite films or films that I think could benefit from bluray e.g. Godzilla (2014) however tonight when watching DVDs on my living room tv a 42 inch Panasonic, the difference between DVDs and Bluray struck home. I've never been one to complain about picture quality but tonight when watching the Social Network with my dad I couldn't help but notice the lack of quality in the picture. Something which emphasised this was that this afternoon when I got home from the gym I stuck on my bluray of the film Fight Club. These films were made more than 10 years apart and to be honest you would never guess which one was older by looking at the picture quality.

This has led me to a dilemma. Do I sell my dvd collection and purchase the majority on Blu Ray or do I continue to do what I've always done which is by the majority of titles on dvd and save Blu Ray for those special films to me ?

If you have came to this post looking for an answer to that very question I'm sorry but you won't find one here. I'll write a post about my decision when the time comes.

On a separate note. I understand that there are people out there who think the notion of even buying a dvd is idiotic as its all online but that just isn't me. I love having a physical copy of a film and I hope that when I'm older I'll have a libary of all the films I love where I can watch them whenever I want.

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