Friday 13 March 2015

Top 10 Action Films

Here we go with yet another Top 10. This time it’s my favourite action movies of all time. I have a few rules for this top 10 first of which is that I’m only counting pure action movies. That means no superhero movies or fantasy/sci-fi. I will do a Top 10 adventure movies that will include Indiana Jones. Don’t worry! Let’s get into it.

10. 300

We need more movies like this. Possibly one of the most quotable films of all time.

9. Dirty Harry

Speaking of quotable films. “Do I feel lucky? Well do you Punk?” this is by far my favourite Dirty Harry film even though Magnum Force is pretty good as well.

8. Speed

Speed is the definition of a non-stop thriller from the moment the film starts. Yes the bus defies physics when it jumps the gap but who cares? Speed is awesome.

7. John Wick

The most recent film on my list and another Keanu Reeves film. I really enjoy this movie as I just love movie protagonists who are as precise as John Wick. I like to think if someone killed my dog I would go full John Wick on them.

6. The Untouchables

As an overall film this would probably be number 1 on this list but as an action film there are some better options. Sean Connery makes this movie with his dry wit and some brilliant lines.

5. True Lies

This film is so stupid but that’s what makes it great. I’m not sure if Arnold has had so many great one liners in one film. It also contains possibly the best death of a main villain ever.

4. The Raid

This film is has possibly the most basic plot of any action film but then that’s what makes it great as it all takes place in one location and is basically a 90 minute fight.

3. Terminator 2: Judgement Day

This would be many peoples number one and I would not argue that at all however there are two films which I like more and had to put ahead of this. The T-1000 is however possibly the best action movie villain ever.

2. Die Hard

Ok you knew this was coming if you saw the picture at the top of the post. Die Hard is an unbelievable action movie but also a really funny movie because of the brilliant dialogue between John McLane and the villain Hans Gruber.

1. The Rock

“Welcome to the Rock”.  As much as it pains me to have a Michael Bay film at number 1 I just couldn't ignore The Rock. Sean Connery and Nicholas Cage break into Alcatraz to stop a former army general portrayed by Ed Harris from launching deadly missiles at the city of San Francisco. How is that not awesome?

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